Tuesday, July 13, 2010

is she BEAST or HUMAN...?

Rima #1

This book was published slightly before I started reading comics. It did not appeal to me then for thee reasons:

1) sketchy Kubert cover.

2) Jungle motif.

3) Rima's eyes are too close together.

4) She has a pet tiger. Cheater!

5) There is no way that Rima and her pet could peel that snake off of that guy before he dies.

6) Nice huraches, dude.

7) What are you doing in the jungle by yourself, anyway?

However, since I have become a mature adult, this book now appeals to me for these subtle reasons:

1) The cover is actually pretty cool- the figure positions are simple and the use of color really reflects a jungle atmosphere I think.

2) The Rima character has a Barry Smith quality to her- I like to think that Barry was grinding out some inking for Joe in the DC Bullpen or at Joe's studio for some spare cash.

3) She has a pet tiger. What do tigers dream of when they take a little tiger snooze? But, I digress.

The book, among others, has been listed in my Ebay auctions this week.

Monday, July 5, 2010


What is going on HERE?

Why does the Rawhide Kid have such RED HAIR!?

Why is Santa dressed up like Davy Crockett and punching the Kid!?

Doesn't the Rawhide Kid know any better than to pick fights with Santa on Steroids in the middle of the woods? Apparently Not.

The book has been listed in my Ebay auctions this week. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130407322631&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

If you want to see the Kid lay some BackBacon on some angry Mountain Man, bid often True Believers!!!